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西北工业大学坐落于世界历史文化名城、古丝绸之路起点西安,是一所以发展航空、航天、航海(三航)等领域人才培养和科学研究为特色的多领域、多学科协调发展的研究型、国际化大学,位列全国顶尖大学前列, 是国家“一流大学”建设高校(A类),隶属于工业和信息化部。学校1960年被国务院确定为全国重点大学,“七五”“八五”均被国务院列为重点建设的全国15所大学之一,1995年首批进入“211工程”,2001年进入“985工程”。学校秉承“公诚勇毅”校训,弘扬“三实一新”(基础扎实、工作踏实、作风朴实、开拓创新)校风,确定了“五个以”(以学生为根、以育人为本、以学者为要、以学术为魂、以责任为重)的办学理念,学校在历史上书写了新中国多个“第一”,今天在创建一流大学和一流学科上续写新的辉煌。
学校现有国家重点实验室等20个国家级科研基地和137个省部级科研平台。历史上,全国第一架小型无人机、第一台地效飞行器、第一型50公斤级水下无人智能航行器和第一台航空机载计算机均诞生在我校。学校重点参与了大飞机、载人航天与探月等10个国家重大专项的论证及科研攻关,深度参与了两机专项论证、神舟系列飞船研制,是“为中国首次载人航天飞行做出贡献单位”的两所高校之一。学校开我国无人机研制之先河,实现我国第一个整套无人机系统、第一个无人机生产线等出口海外,拥有我国唯一的无人机特种技术国家级实验室和无人机系统国家工程中心,国庆60周年阅兵中,整个无人机方队由学校自主研制生产;建军90周年阅兵中,学校无人机第二次以整个方队入列阅兵式;国庆70周年阅兵中,学校无人机再次通过天安门接受检阅。2021年,学校建成国内首家无人机专用“机场”。 “十三五”以来,学校获国家三大奖20项,省部级一等奖58项,科研经费到款累计超过170亿元,位居全国高校前列。
友谊、长安校区 | 太仓校区 | |
年薪 | 51万(税前,含公积金) +社保待遇等约6万/年 | 55万(税前) +社保和公积金约10万/年 |
+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入 | ||
工作 条件 | 科研启动经费一事一议;聘为教授,按学校相关政策评聘导师资格 | |
生活 待遇 | 人才周转房+安家费30万(税前) +住房补贴约3万/年 | 人才周转公寓+安家费50万(税前) |
可享受优质附属中小幼教育资源 | 落户、医疗、子女入学等 按照太仓相关政策执行 |
友谊、长安校区 | 太仓校区 | |
年薪 | 准聘教授岗位年薪+5万津贴/年 +社保待遇等约6万/年 | 准聘教授岗位年薪+5万津贴/年 +社保和公积金约10万/年 |
+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入 | ||
工作 条件 | 科研启动经费:理工类100万,管文类30万 | |
聘为准聘教授,按学校相关政策评聘导师资格 | ||
生活 待遇 | 安家费20万(税前) +住房补贴约3万/年 | 安家费30万(税前) +人才周转公寓 |
可享受优质附属中小幼教育资源 | 落户、医疗、子女入学等 按照太仓相关政策执行 |
准聘教授 | 准聘副教授 | 助理教授 | |
年薪 | 36万(税前,含公积金)+社保待遇等约6万/年 | 26万(税前,含公积金)+社保待遇等约6万/年 | 22万(税前,含公积金)+社保待遇等约5万/年 |
+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入 | |||
科研启动经费 | 理工类20万 管文类10万 | 理工类20万 管文类10万 | 理工类15万 管文类8万 |
生活 待遇 | 安家费10万(税前) +住房补贴约3万/年 | 安家费6万(税前) +住房补贴约2万/年 | 安家费6万(税前) +住房补贴约2万/年 |
子女可享受学校优质附属中小幼教育资源 |
准聘教授 | 准聘副教授 | 助理教授 | |
薪酬 | 40万(税前) +社保和公积金约10万/年 | 30万(税前) +社保和公积金约10万/年 | 26万(税前) +社保和公积金约10万/年 |
+奖励绩效+科研等其他收入 | |||
科研启 动经费 | 30万 | 30万 | 25万 |
生活 待遇 | 安家费30万(税前) | 安家费30万(税前) | 安家费20万(税前) |
提供人才周转公寓;落户、医疗、子女入学等按照太仓相关政策执行 |
1.获得博士学位(一般在取得博士学位3年内),特别资助博士后年龄不超过 32 周岁,常规博士后年龄不超过 35 周岁。
2. 有较强的科研能力、明确的科研方向和较大的发展潜力。
特别资助博士后 | 常规博士后 | |
年薪 | 26-29万(税前,含公积金) +社保待遇等约5万/年 | 21-24万(税前,含公积金) +社保待遇等约5万/年 |
+其他收入+项目资助 | ||
预聘制度 | 在站期间,特别优秀者,可申请预聘为学校准聘师资,享获聘后纳入相应岗位管理并享受相应待遇 | |
生活待遇 | 可申请博士后公寓 | |
可享受优质附属中小幼教育资源 |
类别 | 友谊、长安校区 | 太仓校区 |
领军人才 青年拔尖人才 翱翔海外学者 优秀青年学者 | 许老师、苏老师、耿老师 +86-29-88460620 rcyj@nwpu.edu.cn | 朱老师 +86-512-56663000 tczp@nwpu.edu.cn |
博士后 | 韩老师、谢老师 +86-29-88460733 boshihou@nwpu.edu.cn |
序号 | 学院 /研究院/研究中心 | 联系方式 | 网站主页 |
1 | 航空学院 | 朱老师 029-88460479 zhub@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hangkong.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
2 | 航天学院 | 郑老师 029-88460431 zhengx2010@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hangtian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
3 | 航海学院 | 程老师 029-88460616 hhxybgs@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hanghai.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
4 | 材料学院 | 刘老师 029-88492642 yuan4@nwpu.edu.cn | https://cailiao.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
5 | 机电学院 | 周老师 029-88495297 zhousijun@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jidian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
6 | 力学与土木建筑学院 | 孔老师 029-88431000 kongqing@nwpu.edu.cn | https://tujian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
7 | 动力与能源学院 | 戴老师 029-88431103 daiyueling@nwpu.edu.cn | http://dongneng.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
8 | 电子信息学院 | 胡老师 029-88431212 husihan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://dianzi.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
9 | 自动化学院 | 魏老师 029-88431382 zdhxy@nwpu.edu.cn | http://zdhxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
10 | 计算机学院 | 张老师 029-88431519 zhangqian@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jsj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
11 | 数学与统计学院 | 王老师 029-88431660 wangshuangyue@nwpu.edu.cn | http://math.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
12 | 物理科学与技术学院 | 马老师 029-88431652 mxn@nwpu.edu.cn | http://physics.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
13 | 化学与化工学院 | 薛老师 029-88431656 xuejiajia@nwpu.edu.cn | http://huaxue.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
14 | 管理学院 | 王老师 029-88431800 international.som@nwpu.edu.cn | http://som.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
15 | 公共政策与管理 学院 | 曹老师 029-88431900 caoguangyuan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://rwjj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
16 | 软件学院 | 王老师 029-88431588 wangyy@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ruanjian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
17 | 生命学院 | 宋老师 029-88460333 songfei@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shengming.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
18 | 外国语学院 | 王老师 029-88430908 wangxiaodan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wgyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
19 | 马克思主义学院 | 杜老师 029-88431906 duyao@nwpu.edu.cn | http://marx.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
20 | 微电子学院 | 王老师 029-88431203 wangyujiao@nwpu.edu.cn | http://weidianzi.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
21 | 网络空间安全学院 | 王老师 029-88495027 wanghaihong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wlkjaqxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
22 | 民航学院 | 张老师 029-88460932 npuzhangyu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://minhang.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
23 | 生态环境学院 | 田老师 029-88431769 tianxiaomin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://see.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
24 | 体育部 | 张老师 029-88494025 tiyubu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://tiyu.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
25 | 分析测试中心 | 刘老师 029-88460747 liufeng@nwpu.edu.cn | http://atc.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
26 | 光电与智能研究院 | 边老师 029-88495713 optimal@nwpu.edu.cn | http://www.nwpu-optimal.cn |
27 | 纳米能源材料研究中心 | 张老师 029-88460204 Zhangli123@nwpu.edu.cn | http://cailiao.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
28 | 先进润滑与密封材料研究中心 | 王老师 029-88460311 haifengw81@nwpu.edu.cn | http://mals.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
29 | 无人系统技术研究院 | 冷老师 029-88460895 wurenxitong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wurenxitong.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
30 | 文化遗产研究院 | 孙老师 029-88493532 xl.sun@nwpu.edu.cn | http://nich.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
31 | 柔性电子研究院 | 刘老师 029-88460924 ife@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ife.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
32 | 医学研究院 | 裴老师 029-88460875 imr@nwpu.edu.cn | http://imr.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
33 | 北京研究院 | 符老师 fuxu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://beijing.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
34 | 上海协同创新中心 | 刘老师 021-54303008 liuyong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shcic.nwpu.edu.cn |
35 | 重庆科创中心 | 董老师 donglu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://icncq.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
36 | 深圳研究院 | 刘老师 0755-26551545 liuhuan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shenzhen.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
37 | 青岛研究院 | 黄老师 0532-82560839 qingdao@nwpu.edu.cn | http://qingdao.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
38 | 宁波研究院 | 程老师 0574-27965050 chengxiang@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ningbo.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
39 | 太仓长三角研究院 | 孟老师 0512-56663000 menglin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://taicang-csj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
40 | 艺术教育中心 | 郭老师 029-88430220 guoxin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ysjyzx.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
41 | 心理健康教育中心 | 卢老师 029-88492518 ltj2003@nwpu.edu.cn | http://psy.nwpu.edu.cn/psyweb/ |
42 | 教学研究与教师发展中心 | 陆老师 029-88460916 lufeng@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jfzx.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
Recruitment Announcement of Northwestern Polytechnical University
Located in the historic city of Xi'an, cradle of Chinese civilization and terminus of the ancient Silk Road, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) is a multidisciplinary, research-oriented international university, and ranks among the top universities in China. NPU has a lot of scholars and experts with international and domestic influence. NPU adheres to the motto "Loyalty, Integrity, Courage and Perseverance" while carrying forward the spirit of “Strong Preparation, Diligent Effort, Practical Attitude, and Creative Innovation". NPU dedicated itself to national defense and written several “firsts” into the history of the PRC. Now NPU will continue to pioneer new pathways into the future in the process of building a world first-class university and world first-class disciplines.
Abundant Developing Resources and Distinct Discipline Features
NPU has more than 34,000 students and 4,300 faculties. There are 27 schools and institutions, and 21 postdoctoral research stations in NPU, with the schools ofAeronautics, Astronautics, Marine Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power, Electronics and Information, Computer Science, and the International College, etc. Materials Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Geosciences have ranked among the top 1% of ESI International Academic Ranking, and Material Science and Engineering have ranked among the top 1‰. In 2021, NPU ranks among the first 200 in the world according to the ShanghaiRanking's Academic Ranking of World Universities. NPU has formed a multidisciplinary system consists of Aeronautics, Astronautics, Marine Engineering, 3M (Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechanics), 3C (Computer Science, Control Science, and Communication Science), Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology), Social Sciences & Management, Arts & Humanities and interdisciplines such as Flexible Electronics, Unmanned System, Aeroastromedicine, Artificial Intelligence, and Culture Heritage, etc.
Great Research Ability and Fruitful Scientific Achievements
NPU has a great scientific research ability and makes a great contribution to scientific development. NPU has 20 national scientific research bases and laboratories, 137 provincial and ministerial laboratories, and engineering centers. NPU has been deeply involved in the scientific research of 10 major national scientific research projects, also participated in the development of and Shenzhou spacecraft. NPU is also equipped with the only national laboratory of unmanned aerial vehicle and the national engineering center of unmanned aerial vehicle system. In the parades of the 60th and 70th anniversary of the National Day and the 90th anniversary of the Army Day, the unmanned aerial vehicles were developed and manufactured by NPU. From 2016-2020, NPU has been awarded 20 prizes of National Awards and 58 first prizes at the provincial-level. For the scientific research funds, NPU has received more than 17 billion, which ranks among the top of universities in China.
Open-up Development and Coordinated Innovation
With the development of Western Region, Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, NPU established 3 campuses in Xi’an and Taicang, with remote innovation institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Qingdao, Ningbo and Taicang. Located in Jiangsu Province, Taicang Campus covers 105 hectares, is 45km from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. According to the development plan of NPU, some cutting-edge schools are established in Taicang campus, including Civil Aviation College, Cyberspace Safety College, School of Software, and School of Microelectronics, etc. NPU focuses on developing cooperative relationships with internationalscientificresearchinstitutes all over the world. NPU has established partnerships with more than 300 international universities and institutions, among which, 58 universities rank in the top 200 of the worlds.
Cherishing Talents with Internationally Competitive Supports
NPU insists on strengthening university by recruiting more talents. NPU implements the Aoxiang Talents Project, that focuses on the cultivation process from young teachers to academic leaders, and issues the Aoxiang Overseas Talents Introduction Program to attract overseas young scholars. NPU provides internationally competitive salaries for young scholars. Besides, NPU and schools will provide collaborative supports. Additionally, NPU provides excellent education service resources for talents’ children. For example, senior high school affiliated to NPU ranks among the top in China and manygraduates of it entered the top universities in China and the world.
Engineering and Technology (Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Information), Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology), Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Management, Arts & Humanities and interdisciplines (Aerospace and deep-sea sciences, Flexible Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.)
Recruitment Positions and Policies
1. Outstanding Talents
Scholars should have made important achievements and been widely approved internationally. NPU provides specific salary and supports.
2. Excellent Talents
Applicants should have PhD degrees and be under 40 years old, have formal teaching or research positions in prestigious universities, research institutes, or R&D institutes of well-known enterprises in domestic and abroad.
Support Policies: NPU provides an annual salary (pre-tax) of 510, 000 RMB in Xi’an and 550,000 RMB in Taicang with performance awards, other incomes, resettlement allowances, specific amount of research start-up fee, transitional house, and children’s education service.
3. NPU Aoxiang Overseas Talents
Applicants should be under 40 years old, have Ph.D. degrees with overseas scientific research experience for 3 consecutive years, and have not yet returned to China or have less than one year’s work experience in China. Also, the applicants should be qualified as professors of NPU.
Support Policies: NPU provides an annual salary (pre-tax) of 410, 000 RMB in Xi’an and 450,000 RMB in Taicang with performance awards, other incomes, resettlement allowances, 1,000,000 RMB research start-up fee for applicants in Science and Engineering, 300,000 RMB for applicants in Humanities and Management, resettlement allowances and children’s education service.
4. Young Talents
Applicants should have PhD degrees. Applicants who apply for professors should be under 40 years old, associate professors should be under 35 years old, and assistant professors should be under 32 years old.
Support Policies: NPU provides an annual salary (pre-tax) from 220, 000 RMB to 360,000 RMB in Xi’an and annual salary from 260, 000 RMB - 400,000 RMB in Taicang, with performance awards, other incomes, resettlement allowances, research start-up fee and children’s education service.
5. Postdoctoral Fellow
Applicants who get a doctorate in domestic and abroad within 3 years after graduation and be under 35 years old can apply for postdoctoral fellow.
Support Policies: NPU provides 210, 000- 290, 000 RMB annual salary (pre-tax) in Xi’an for postdoctoral fellow. Also, NPU provides other incomes and children’s education services for postdoctoral fellow. During the period in postdoctoral research station, the postdoctoral fellow can apply for NPU’s teaching faulty once meet the requirements. The remuneration and position of teaching faulty will be provided after the approval.
How to Apply
Please submit all materials to the email address of schools and institutions, and the files shall be named as “name-position-school/institution”. Applicants shall submit a cover letter, a resume, and a brief introduction of research achievements
Contacts of Human Resources Department
Types | Youyi and Chang’an Campus | Taicang Campus |
Outstanding Talents Excellent Talents NPU Aoxiang Overseas Young Talents | Xu Ziyang, Su Shu, Geng Ting +86-29-88460620 rcyj@nwpu.edu.cn | Zhu Yingyi +86-512-56663000 tczp@nwpu.edu.cn |
Postdoctoral Fellow | Han Yu, Xie Ning +86-29-88460733 shiziban@nwpu.edu.cn |
Contacts of Schools and Institutions
NO. | Schools/Institutions | Contacts | Website |
1 | School of Aeronautics | Zhu Bing 029-88460479 zhub@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hangkong.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
2 | School of Astronautics | Zheng Xin 029-88460431 zhengx2010@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hangtian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
3 | School of Marine Sciences | Cheng Yu 029-88460616 hhxybgs@nwpu.edu.cn | http://hanghai.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
4 | School of Materials Science and Engineering | Liu Zhe 029-88492642 yuan4@nwpu.edu.cn | https://cailiao.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
5 | School of Mechanical Engineering | Zhou Sijun 029-88495297 zhousijun@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jidian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
6 | School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture | Kong Qing 029-88431000 kongqing@nwpu.edu.cn | https://tujian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
7 | School of Energy and Power Engineering | Dai Yueling 029-88431103 daiyueling@nwpu.edu.cn | http://dongneng.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
8 | School of Electronics and Information Technology | Hu Sihan 029-88431203 husihan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://dianzi.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
9 | School of Automation Engineering | Wei Aiyu 029-88431382 zdhxy@nwpu.edu.cn | http://zdhxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
10 | School of Computer Science | Zhang Qian 029-88431519 zhangqian@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jsj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
11 | School of Mathematics and Statistics | Wang Shuangyue wangshuangyue@nwpu.edu.cn | http://math.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
12 | School of Physical Science and Technology | Ma Xiaona 029-88431652 mxn@nwpu.edu.cn | http://physics.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
13 | School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Xue Jiajia 029-88431656 xuejiajia@nwpu.edu.cn | http://huaxue.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
14 | School of Management | Wang Xiao 029-88431800 international.som@nwpu.edu.cn | http://som.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
15 | School of Public Policy and Management | Cao Guangyuan 029-88431900 caoguangyuan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://rwjj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
16 | School of Software | Wang Yuying 029-88431588 wangyy@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ruanjian.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
17 | School of Life Sciences | Song Fei 029-88460333 songfei@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shengming.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
18 | School of Foreign Studies | Wang Xiaodan 029-88430908 wangxiaodan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wgyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
19 | School of Marxism | Du Yao 029-88431906 duyao@nwpu.edu.cn | http://marx.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
20 | School of Microelectronics | He Yuting 029-88431203 heyt@nwpu.edu.cn | http://weidianzi.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
21 | School of Cybersecurity | Wang Haihong 029-88495027 wanghaihong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wlkjaqxy.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
22 | School of Civil Aviation | Zhang Yu 029-88460932 npuzhangyu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://minhang.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
23 | School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | Tian Xiaomin 029-88431769 tianxiaomin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://see.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
24 | Department of Sports | Zhang Tianqing 029-88494025 tiyubu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://tiyu.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
25 | Analytical&Testing Center | Liu Feng 029-88460747 liufeng@nwpu.edu.cn | http://atc.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
26 | School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and ElectroNics | Bian Hua 029-88495713 iopenhr@nwpu.edu.cn | http://www.nwpu-optimal.cn |
27 | Center for Nano Energy Materials | Zhang Li 029-88460204 Zhangli123@nwpu.edu.cn | / |
28 | Advanced Lubrication and Sealing Materials Research Center | Wang Haifeng 029-88460311 haifengw81@nwpu.edu.cn | http://mals.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
29 | Unmanned System Research Institute | Leng Bing 029-88460895 wurenxitong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://wurenxitong.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
30 | Institute of Cultural Heritage | Sun Xuanlu 029-88493532 xl.sun@nwpu.edu.cn | http://nich.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
31 | Institute of Flexible Electronics | Liu Yue 029-88460924 ife@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ife.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
32 | Institute of Medical Research | Pei Xiaoyu 029-88460875 imr@nwpu.edu.cn | http://imr.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
33 | Beijing Research Institute | Fu Xu fuxu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://beijing.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
34 | Collaborative Innovation Center in Shanghai | Liu Yong 021-54303008 liuyong@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shcic.nwpu.edu.cn |
35 | Innovation Center of NPU in Chongqing | Dong Lu donglu@nwpu.edu.cn | http://icncq.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
36 | Research & Development Institute of NPU in Shenzhen | Liu Huan 0755-26551545 liuhuan@nwpu.edu.cn | http://shenzhen.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
37 | Qingdao Research Institute | Huang Qianqian 0532-82560839 qingdao@nwpu.edu.cn | http://qingdao.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
38 | Ningbo Research Institute | Cheng Xiang 0574-27965050 chengxiang@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ningbo.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
39 | Yangtze River Delta Research Institute | Meng Lin 0512-56663000 menglin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://taicang-csj.nwpu.edu.cn/ |
40 | Art Education Center | Guo Xin 029-88430220 guoxin@nwpu.edu.cn | http://ysjyzx.nwpu.edu.cn/index.htm |
41 | Mental Health Education Center | Lu Tianjiao 029-88492518 ltj2003@nwpu.edu.cn | http://psy.nwpu.edu.cn/psyweb/ |
42 | Center for Teaching Research and Teacher Development | Lu Feng 029-88460916 lufeng@nwpu.edu.cn | http://jfzx.nwpu.edu.cn/ |